Service activities
As a Professor and the Chair of Graphic Design as well as the Interim Director of the School of Design at the University of Illinois Chicago, Sharon engages in a variety of service activities.
Service to the School of Design
School Executive Committee
School Promotion & Tenure Committee
School Communications & Recruitment Events Committee
School Website Redesign Committee
School Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
Community-Based Partnerships & Initiatives Committee
Communications & Events Committee (selected):
_Winter Show
_Year End Show
Review committees:
_Freshman Portfolio Review
_BDes Awards
_Master of Design Applicants Review
Service to the College of Architecture, Design, and the Arts
CADA Executive Committee
CADA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
CADA Strategic Plan Steering Committee, Co-chair
Service to the University
UIC Graduate College Committee
UIC Office of Diversity Inclusive Classroom Initiative Pilot Group
Past positions/committees
UIC Senator:
_Senate Committee on Educational Policy, including Undergraduate Subcommittee (SCEP)
_Senate External Relations & Public Service Committee (Honorary Degree Nominations Review)
UIC Campus Promotion & Tenure Recommendations Committee
UIC Graduate College Awards Committee
UIC Researcher of the Year Review Committee
UIC Research Advisory Council
UIC Undergraduate Research Forum, Juror
CADA Promotion & Tenure Committee, Chair
CADA Acting Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
CADA Dean Search Committee
CADA Distinguished Faculty Award Review Committee
CADA Director Review Committee
School of Design Personnel Committee
School of Design Exhibitions Committee:
_Midterm Show
_December Show
_Year End Show
_ICFF NYC Exhibition
School of Design Student Competitions
Service to the profession (selected)
Society of Typographic Aficionados / TypeCon, Vice Chair
TypeCon Education Forum, Chair
TypeCon Scholarship for TypeParis, Juror
Chicago Design Archive, Director
Diversify by Design, Advisor
STA Design Weekend, Co-chair
STA100 2023 Design Competition, Chair
Communication Arts 2023 Design Competition, Juror
Bloomsbury Publishing, Book Proposal Reviewer