Graduate Projects

In this advanced level graphic design course, taking place in the second semester of the graduate program in Graphic Design at UIC, Sharon’t students create works investigating thesis topics and methodologies.

TypeSphere | Kaleb Dean, Nina Swiderski (collaborator) | Distinction: STA 100 selection
Kaleb: Explores emblems of pride and the multicultural appropriation of goods and packaging. More...

| Nina Swiderski
Nina: Exploring design under globalization, the aim is to express the idea of cultural imitation or mixing.

GIF Cache | Nina Swiderski, Tahsin Hyder (collaborator)
Nina: Inspired by the phenomenon of GIF collecting and the seemingly nonsensical need to preserve digital elements from a young Internet, GIF Cache was created as a physical representation of a digital archive. Some of the earliest animated images were recreated in paper and re-animated using the technique of scanimation, bridging the analog-digital divide.

| Tahsin Hyder

Handmade GIF | Tahsin Hyder, Emily Au (collaborator)

Emily Au

Emily: Explores the juxtaposition of opposing ideas: the handmade versus the computer-generated.

and Zeta | Alexandros Skouras
Explores letterform through the lens of data visualization and morphology.

Explores notions of whitewashing as well as digital glitching and information overload.

| Peiyang Lan
Peiyang: Denotation is a word always used with its counterpart, connotation. Denotation refers to the superficial or apparent meaning of a thing, while connotation refers to the hidden or underlying meaning. According to Roland Barthes in his writing on semiotics, a word can be attributed three layers of meaning: denotation, connotation, and myth.